Call me weird or whatever, but I couldn't get the big deal they made about it on the news - it
was the leading thing in the pre-CTV national news ads the other night.
So, are we supposed to be impressed? He likes guys, big whoop. Move
on. I like women, no one is giving two craps about that!
Why am I supposed to care about his sexuality and why is it big news? As long he's not diddling kids, raping anyone or committing bestiality, WHO CARES!?
Certainly not leading news by any stretch. I hate how "celebrities"
have become leading news items. Remember the whole Tiger Woods saga? That dominated newscasts for at least a couple of weeks when it happened. Sports star cheats on his wife multiple times, gets caught. Or any story about Justin Bieber and his antics lately (or the antics of any star... Lindsay Lohan, And this is important for me to know because...? I doubt anyone can seriously answer that question. Says a lot about our society and
values that we've allowed "celebrities" to take up so much media spotlight.
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