Saturday, January 22, 2011

New Year, New Blog

Welcome to 2011!!!

I still look at the year, and am amazed it 2011.  The world has certainly changed since those days that the 21st Century seemed so far away. 

But where is my flying car!?  I was expecting I'd be flying to work daily when I was in my thirties!  That black monolith on the moon is still waiting for us.  Our only space station isn't the sprawling structure from 2001: A Space Odyssey.  I'm starting to feel a gypped by the future.  Granted, some of our technology is ahead of that of what we saw on shows like Star Trek.  My HTC Desire Z is certainly more advanced than Captain Kirk's cell phone like communicator.  However, for chuckles I do have the Android Star Trek Communicator app, which can transform my phone into a digital version of that famous gadget.

I've missed writing a blog, and want to get back to it... also getting that card from Google Adsense with a free advertising card served as the catalyst as well.

A lot has certainly changed for me, and I do see better days ahead.  I'm feeling positive about a lot of things, but I still have that cynicism that I identified in "Californication"'s Hank Moody.

I read with amusement on Friday that Dalton McLiar is still touting that his HST will benefit Ontario taxpayers...sure Dalton... that extra 8 cents a litre on gas is really helping me... not to mention the HST on my hydro, satellite and oil bill!  I can't believe how arrogant so many of our governments are... and it seems to me at least that Liberal governments seem to be the worst of the lot.  I remember the days of Jean "The Shawinigan Handshake" Chretien and Paul Martin.  Especially Chretien... I could not believe sometimes how breathtaking arrogant that man was.  I remembered one of his main planks of getting elected... "We will scrap the GST.". Years after his election, "This Hour Has 22 Minutes" played a montage of Chretien repeating over and over how they would, just to show he had actually made that promise... and what a surprise... it never happened, despite the fact that the federal government was mounting surplus after surplus in revenue.  Money taken from the pockets of the average Canadian that should have been returned to us.  And there is so much that could be said about Premier McLiar too...I hope he and his Liberals get trounced from office in a spectacular way in October!

However, I do wonder if his replacement will be any better... I really feel you can't trust any of our provincial or federal elected officials.  It seems like municipal politics is still a place where people can stand out... Like Rob Ford in Toronto.  Love him or hate him, he has started bringing change to Toronto and a refreshing outlook.  More politicians need to be like him - more forthright and honest, and caring about the people who put him or her in their job and put them at the front of their agendas!

I look forward to writing more and getting things going again!  Please feel free to comment and offer suggestions!

Till next time!

Peace out!

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