Friday, April 8, 2011

Some money isn't good enough and an update on Ms. Ardente

Read the following:

Apparently, Mr. Munk's money isn't good enough for some U of T students.  As a first year student was quoted in the article as saying: “We don’t want Munk’s money affiliated with the university and we fear it could push a right-wing agenda and shut down academic freedom,” warned first-year student Juan Carlos Jimenez of the Anti-Corporatization Working Group, a subgroup of the U of T General Assembly coalition.

But a left-wing agenda is OK?  I bet they'd have a ticker tape parade if that money had come from Jack Leyton, or someone of that ilk.

Wow... in an era where any kind of money for funding is at a premium, I can't understand why this would be protested.  Especially considering that Mr. Munk came from nothing and as the article says "It is therefore little wonder that Dr. Munk is a firm believer in the vital importance of higher education, and has sustained a lifelong passion for the study of international relations.”  These students need to get their heads out of their collective asses.  The era of universities being totally publicly funded is OVER.  They should be grateful that someone like Mr. Munk would rather give his money to them rather than spend it.  Get with the program and join the real world.  When I was in university, I was appalled by the kinds of notions these students have.  The lefties hated my at my university.  I constantly was the other voice in Trent's student newspaper.  I even got an entire spread of letters against me in one issue. WOOT!  I had friends in my classes congratulate me for that one!

Puritanism wins... for now  

Well, Ms. Ardente has been fired from her position at a Quebec high school.  The Puritans have won this round.  This woman had been a good employee for nine years, and even offered to end her off-work activities to keep her job.  She is going to appeal their ruling.

Bottom line here for me is what she was doing outside of her job was her own business and was not illegal.  The school board (or any employer) has no right to dictate how she should live her life outside of her working hours with them.

I hope she wins her appeal and sues their asses off for wrongful dismissal!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And Quebec likes to pride themselves on being so European and cultured and above all else, open minded about sexuality. Guess it goes to show you that they are just as Canadian as other provinces when it comes down to it.