Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Just what we need... another election... and puritanism in Quebec and updates...

Well... here we are again.  Canada faces its fourth election in seven years.  And most voters in Canada DO NOT want it.

Ignatieff, Leyton and Duceppe are a bunch of mindless jerks who will be the first ones against the wall when the revolution comes!

For those not in the know, the average election in Canada costs the taxpayer over $300 million!  Over a billion dollars has been spent on election in the last seven years.  It is ridiculous!  And the Liberals are trailing the Conservatives by 20 points in the polls... it would take a miracle of almost biblical proportions for them to get past the Conservatives.

The most likely outcome is that we will come out in the same position as before and will have spent that money for nothing!  I'm hoping that the hubris of Misters Ignatieff (especially) et al. will come back and bite them in their collective asses and reward Mr. Harper with a majority government!

Puritanism in Quebec
I heard about this on Friday on my way to work. Apparently a 14-year old student at a high school in Quebec approached a school secretary for an autograph.  He had seen her in a porn film, Serial Abusers 2, and she appeared under the screen name of Samantha Ardente. She refused and asked the student to keep it quiet.  What does he do?  Creates a fake Facebook account in her stage name and basically the whole school found out.  She is currently suspended from her job, pending investigation by her employer.

And what exactly is the problem with this?  She is making legal porn films in her off hours and it is her right to do so.  Once again, the ugly head of puritanism has reared its head.  It is a very typical North American attitude.  Violence and bad language are OK, but when it comes to sex... OH MY GOD!  EVIL!  FORBIDDEN!

Gimme a frakking break!  We don't live in the 16th Century anymore.  People should be free to do what they like sexually, as long as it isn't hurting anyone (unless of course its consensual), or uses children in any way shape or form.  Who are we to tell Ms. Ardente how she should live her life outside of her job?  If she wants to make extra money having sex on film, so be it!  If you are not interested in porn, then don't watch it.  But don't tell the rest of us what we should or should not watch or do in our spare time!  I hope she is vindicated and can thumb her nose at the do-gooders.

Earth Hour Update
Interesting note on Earth Hour in Toronto.  Power usage in Toronto only dropped by 5% on Saturday night.  It is a five percent drop from last year, when power consumption dropped 10%.  Personally, I'm not surprised.

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