Monday, May 2, 2011

Osama is DEAD! & A Royal Wedding

I woke up this morning to the pretty incredible news that Osama Bin Laden, the mastermind of September 11, 2001 and many other terrorist acts has been killed by US Navy SEALS.  According to reports, he was in a massive compound 100 km north of Islamabad, Pakistan.  The compound featured 18 foot walls and barbed wire.  Bin Laden resisted, and for his efforts the SEALS gave him a bullet in the head and a burial at sea, to prevent his grave from becoming a martyr's shrine.  Moral of the story: Don't resist when the SEALS come a knocking on your door.  They WILL kill you.

Of course, the conspiracy folks are already coming up with their own theories... that bin Laden was already dead.  Considering that a DNA test was done, that pretty much clinches it for me.  For those who naysay, remember his DNA can be compared to his many children.

Of course, the threat of terrorism will not be lifted because of this, and sadly may result in heightened terrorist activity, seeking reprisals for the death of Bin Laden. So, the threat isn't over, but a major player in the game has been eliminated, so that should make us all happy.

As a parting question... was the reward on Bin Laden's head still active, and does the lucky SEAL who ended his existence get it?  If anyone knows, please send me an email, or comment on the blog!

UPDATE!!!  Found a pic online from Pakistani TV claiming to the shot of Osama Bin Laden's dead face.

In other historic events...
Friday saw the Royal Wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton, now known to the world as the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.  It was a fantastic royal spectacle.  Very tasteful and not overdone.  And how about that dress?  Kate looked fabulous!  My only quibble was with the two kisses... I know they couldn't do a full snog in public, but some more linger time would have been nice.  It was too peckish for me.

Watching the wedding reminded of my father as well, who was on hand for the wedding of Prince William's mother, Diana in 1981.  He was always very proud of being part of the CBC camera crew for that event and was very shaken by her later death.  I think he would have been pleased to see this wedding.

One hopes that their marriage can put aside the more negative royal marriages of the last three decades, and I sincerely hope (coming from a place of two failed marriages) that their marriage is a very long and happy one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that." --Martin Luther King, Jr

Something to keep in mind re:Osama