Thursday, June 9, 2011

Why DePape Did it.

I can't believe the Star actually wasted ink and bandwidth printing this crap.

It just goes to show that she is rather ignorant of how the political system works.  She claims that 60% didn't vote for Harper.  Well by that rationale, more people voted against having the NDP or the Liberals as our government.  It also bears mentioning that we have three main political parties, plus many other smaller ones, which fragments the vote.  On top of that, not all registered voters voted.  It is highly unlikely in such a scenario that any one party could manage more than 40%, maybe 45% of the vote.  And just remember, when we last had majority governments under Shawinigan Handshake Chretien, he never topped out much above 40% either.  Lefties and Liberals get very upset when their side doesn't win and suddenly the system is "broken", "unfair" or whatever.  Funny, I don't remember the Conservatives making a fuss back when they got kicked to the curb in the early 90s.  They accepted the loss, and worked hard to bring their side of the fence together under one banner and making a comeback. 

Not to mention her ignorance as well of government programs.  Health care is primarily a provincial matter, and in actual fact, health transfers from the federal government have gone up since the time of Paul Martin.  And the spending of such money falls in the provincial sphere, an area that Harper has no control over.  So she's misleading on this point. But why? Because she doesn't know or she's been mislead by others or deliberately providing misinformation?

And she showed her ignorance again using the "Arab Spring" as some kind rallying cry... these are countries that have NEVER had a democratic government and have had to fight for their right.  Not to mention the fact that their protests became quite violent as well.

And yes, our system isn't perfect, yet Ms. DePape seems to think it is... but I remember what Churchill said... "Many forms of Government have been tried and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed, it has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time."

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