Saturday, July 23, 2011

Ryan Dunn - True Jackass and his Dogpiss Award!

Yesterday during a conversation thoughts turned to Ryan Dunn.  There hasn't been any real press that I've heard since his accident and subsequent death.  A quick websearch proved something - Ryan Dunn was a REAL jackass.  And he also deserves a Dogpiss Award.

For those unfamiliar with the reference, check out the closing pages of the Stephen King Novella "The Body" (AKA Stand By Me) in the book Different Seasons (page 447 of the original hardcover).  King quotes a phrase "If you go out alone you're a hero. Take somebody else with you and you're dogpiss."

In case readers are unaware, Ryan Dunn, one of the stars of TV and film's Jackass series, died in a spectacular car crash in his Porsche GT3 along with a production assistant from Jackass 2.  Dunn had also notoriously posted pictures of his night of drinking on the Internet.  The two died when the Porsche hit a tree in Pennsylvania.  Investigation revealed that Dunn had a blood alcohol level of 0.196%, twice the legal limit for that state.  Speed was also likely a factor as Dunn had been driving between 212-230 KMH (132-140 MPH).

I just don't understand this tendency, especially with famous people.  Here is a guy who had more than enough money to pay for a ride home, yet gets trashed and kills not only himself but another person as well.  Fortunately, this true Jackass move only killed the car's occupants, but could have been considerably worse.

Ryan Dunn, for driving while drunk and dying, you have not only proven you were a real Jackass, but a Dumbass too.  And for taking the life of a friend, you also earn a Dogpiss Award.

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